Thursday, August 17, 2023

My New Target Audience


Here is my new target audience for my project proposal!

1. Product/Company Description: 

Company/Product Name: Ray-Ban 

Product Overview: Ray-Ban is a luxury sunglasses and eye glasses created in 1936 by Bausch & Lomb. The brand is known for it's Wayfarer and Aviator lines of sunglasses 

2. Target Audience Demographics:

Age: 21-48

Gender: Male

Income Level: Luxury class people

Education: Above standards 

Occupation: Business related person, Entrepreneurs, Models

Geographical Location: Worldwide

3. Target Audience Psychographics:

Interests: Fashion, Hang out, Outdoor activities, Beaches

Lifestyle Choices: High-end Luxury, old-money, vintage 

Values and Attitudes: Honesty, Passionate, Determination, Confidence

Opinions: People who purchases this product would like to look strong, cool, authoritative, successful, and old-money style. 

4. Understanding Consumer Behavior:

Needs: Looking fancy, cool, luxurious, having a strong character, protection from the sun

Motivations: increases self confidence and to appear more manly

Pain Points: Helps people who purchase this product to feel more aesthetic, old-money, thus reducing self insecure

5. Competitor Analysis:

Competitor Name: Bvlgari, Coach, Gucci, Prada

Competitor's Target Audience: 

- Bvlgari: 21-45 year old men (High-end luxury class)

- Coach: 25-45 year old men (Upper middle class)

- Gucci: 18-35 year old men (High-end luxury class)

- Prada 18-35 year old men (Upper middle class)

6. Target Audience Personal:

Persona Name: Albert (Teenager, Student,  High-school boy)

Age: 16-20

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student

Interests: Fashion, Looking cool & bossy

Lifestyle: Hang out, dating, beaches, Fancy

Values and Attitudes: Bossy, arrogant, pretentious

Needs and Motivations: Helps to reduce insecurities, to boost confidence

Pain Points: Wants to show that he is cool and manly character

7. Aligning Advertisement with Target Audience:


Visuals: Fancy, Luxurious, Rich

Tone: Part of the fam, Gangster, Leader, Manly 

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