Sunday, August 20, 2023

Text Analysis: A Quiet Place


The text was an extract from a movie called A Quite Place. The filmmaker wants to make a creepy and unusual sensation on the movie and to make the audience feel in a particular way of sorrow. In the first scene of the movie it shows an abandoned city road which conveys that no one left is there and the city is left abandoned as if it is "dead"

The opening scene of the movie shows an abandoned city, which looks dirty, un take cared, with an additional of diegetic sounds such as the wind blowing This adds a particular feeling/emotion to the audience such as the emotion of loneliness and uneasy. This conveys that this city has been left abandoned by it's citizens a long time..  Next scene shows an abandoned grocery store with no lighting, messy shelves, and very dirty, which connotates that something massive happened. The director use low light situations to tense the creepy and eerie atmosphere. The director uses a long shot to indicate that the characters were the only one there. This really builds up tension and adds unusual feeling to the audience. The lightings and camera pans extremely affects on this film to create a creepy and eerie mis-en-scene. To sum this up, In my personal thoughts the director did a fantastic job on giving eerie and mysterious feeling in this movie.


  1. Intro. You need to outline 3 big ideas here.
    - How did they make the city look dirty? Describe the mise-en-scene.
    - Describe the camera angles/movements used to show the inside of the supermarket. What meaning did it add?
    - How does an empty supermarket mean that something massive has happened
    - What was the camera pan used to show? Why?

    1. Thanks for the feedback, I will try to improve myself in the future.


Screen Test - Audience Feedback

This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience...