Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Double Page Spread: Research + Development

This is my Double Page Spread Research + Development

Published by Haymarket Media Group


Upon reviewing this magazine's double page spread, my initial reaction was one of disappointment. The formatting left much to be desired in my eyes, displaying a disorganized layout with inconsistent text spacing and sizing. I couldn't help but find it rather unappealing.

What stood out to me was the absence of several key features that I believe are essential for my magazine. Elements like a captivating pull quote, clear subheadings, elegant drop caps, and a mode of address that directly engages the target audience were noticeably missing.

This double page spread, unfortunately, failed to ignite my creative spark. However, I am determined to turn this disappointment into motivation. I am committed to putting in the effort needed to create a double page spread for my magazine that is nothing short of exceptional.

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